Just Dobeing

The term Dobeing coined by Nir Golan means to realize one's full potential and fulfill it- to do the being. It is a core term according to the Soulagogy approach. Dobeing is a combination between Self-realization and self-actualization. In Goldstein's view, it is the organism's master motive, the only real motive: "The tendency to actualize itself as fully as possible is the basic drive... the drive of self-actualization." The only way to "actualize itself" is by using the passion that you have to do what you do best, and spread your uniqueness all around.
Dobeing is a combination of doing and being. Carl Rogers similarly wrote of "The curative force in psychotherapy - man's tendency to actualize himself, to become his potentialities... to express and activate all the capacities of the organism." Dobeing is to express and activate all the passion, Capabilities and Uniqueness of the organism.
Golan assumes that these two modes Doing & Being should be fused and not use as a two term. Maslow says: "Another crucial aspect of healthy growth of selfhood and full-humanness is the dropping away the techniques used by the child, in his weakness and smallness for adapting himself to the strong large, all-powerful, omniscient, godlike adults. He must replace these with techniques of being strong and independent and being a parent himself."

Soulagogy comes from the Greek Ψυχαγωγία in which ψυχή means "soul" and άγω (ágō) means "lead"; so it literally means "to lead the soul". The heart of Soulagogy is the term Dobeing. Plato believed that the human soul possesses latent knowledge, which could be brought out and elucidated by a specific type of discourse which he called dialectic: a bringing to birth from the depths of a person's higher being. The Soulagogy process starts with self-awarenes to the being. A higher consciousness is needed in order to do this, and the result will bring forth a literal enlightenment and a furthered understanding of human nature.
"Dialectic is the only philosophical process which seeks for wisdom by anagogically uplifting our Intellectual foundations so that our Higher Self ascends to the Origin."
— Plato, The Commonwealth VII, 533d

Self-realization is when there is a fulfillment of the being, to do the being: Dobeing. Dobeing is to do my being: self-actualization.

Dobeing is based on the originally term introduced by the organismic theorist Kurt Goldstein for the motive to realize one's full potential: self-actualization. Self-realization is to know oneself. The term can be traced to Advaita Vedanta which means to realize the truth of one's existence. Plato also believed that only a prepared student can be involved in this process, and that the only way to prepare a student was to have them learn by doing. If we help people to actualize their potential they are other actualized not self-actualized. They fulfill themselves by Dobeing.


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