Maslow & Soulagogy: to lead the soul with Dobeing

Soulagogy is to lead the soul to its moral self-actualization. It is a new term by Nir Golan. "Education is that process, by which thought is opened out of the soul, and, associated with outward . . . things, is reflected back upon itself, and thus made conscious of its reality and shape."/ Amos Bronson Alcott.

Soulagogy is based on the term Psychogogy used by Maslow.
Psychogogy was first coined by Oswald Schwartz in 1925 to describe process for helping people to become self-actualized, the term has since evolved and today it means a different thing. Soul or psyche (Greek: "psyühē", of "psychein", "to breathe") are the mental abilities of a living being. Agogy (Greek: ἄγω ágō), "I lead", to lead. Soulagogy: to lead the soul, educating the soul to its moral self-actualization. “It is Self-Realization. As a means, therefore, of educating the soul out of itself, and mirroring forth its ideas, the external world offers the materials." / Amos Bronson Alcott.
According to Chia and Ng (2011), Psychogogy is an instructive theory that includes psychological influence on a learner’s mind in terms of his/her learning and thinking abilities, feelings and will to perform or act and whose behavioural traits interlinked by various senses through different sensory processes in order to establish his/her own perception and belief through interaction with others within a given socio-cultural context.
Dobeing: to do my being, is based on the originally term introduced by the organismic theorist Kurt Goldstein for the motive to realize one's full potential: self-actualization.
Maslow used the term Psychogogy to describe a possible process for helping people to become self-actualized. This is of course a contradiction in terms. If we help people to actualize their potential they are other actualized not self-actualized.
Self-realization is to know oneself. The term can be traced to Advaita Vedanta which means to realize the truth of one's existence. Nir Golan, Educational & Leadership expert, coined the term Dobeing as the heart of Passion, Capabilities and Uniqueness.
Self-realization is identifying Passion, Capabilities and Uniqueness.
Passion: The things I like to do most and excite me.
Capabilities: Skills I'm good at and I do the best.
Uniqueness: My significant behavior and added value to those around me.
Soulagogy is to lead the soul to its moral decisions, educating the soul. "A language is to be instituted between [the child’s] spirit and the surrounding scene of things in which he dwells. . . He who is seeking to know himself, should be ever seeking himself in external things, and by so doing will he be best able to find, and explore his inmost light.” / Amos Bronson Alcott. 

Dobeing according to Soulagogy is realizing one's full potential according to these three cycles. Dobeing is a combination between Self-realization and self-actualization. Dobeing is the balance that satisfies my needs without ignoring the needs of my fellow man.
In Goldstein's view, it is the organism's master motive, the only real motive: "the tendency to actualize itself as fully as possible is the basic drive... the drive of self-actualization." The only way to "actualize itself" is by using the passion that you have to do what you do best, and spread your uniqueness all around. Carl Rogers similarly wrote of "the curative force in psychotherapy - man's tendency to actualize himself, to become his potentialities... to express and activate all the capacities of the organism."
Soulagogy is to lead the soul with Dobeing. Golan assumes that Education is all about helping the soul to Dobeing its self. He foresaw the need for a mental science that would help individuals, through facilitation and nurturing, to grow and become. Maslow saw the need to design an environment which was itself nurturing in such a way as to make the path to self-actualization easier.
Education is that process, by which thought is opened out of the soul and Dobeing is to express and activate all the passion, Capabilities and Uniqueness of the organism.


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