Soulagogic Leader according to Majesty model

Soulagogic Leader according to Majesty model
Soulagogy is a brand-new educational perception, coined by Nir Golan, comes from the Greek words psycho means “soul” and agōgos leader, from agein "to lead", literally refers to “to lead the soul”. Soulagogic Leader according to the Majesty model is based on the Soulagogy perception. Soulagogy: to lead the soul, means educating the soul. “Education is that process, by which thought is opened out of the soul, and, associated with outward . . . things, is reflected back upon itself, and thus made conscious of its reality and shape. It is Self-Realization. As a means, therefore, of educating the soul out of itself, and mirroring forth its ideas, the external world offers the materials."/ Amos Bronson Alcott. He was an American teacher, writer, philosopher, and reformer. As an educator, Alcott hoped to perfect the human spirit. Soulagogy is also refers to the term Psychogogy: a German ward that was first coined by a German author of "Psychogeneses und Psychotherapies Korperlicher Symptom" (1925), Oswald Schwartz, who used the term to describe a possible process for helping people to become self-actualized. Later, Abraham Maslow borrowed that term Psychogogy for his classic treatise on Eupsychian Management (1965). In one of his short essays "The Farther Reaches of Human Nature" (1971), Maslow defined Psychogogy as the education of the psyche. Whitehurst (2002) has defined it as the “integration of professional wisdom with the best available empirical evidence in making decisions about how to deliver instruction”.
The Majesty model for Soulagogic Leader
Meta perception
Awareness & humility
Joined team
Empathy & inclusion
Self-believed intuition
Trusted compassionate vision
Yearning to details

The Majesty model consists of the three basic characteristics that define Soulagogic Leader:
·        Meta perception - connects all the "dots" and yields meta-cognition.
·        Empathy and inclusion – interpersonal sensitivity to contain the other as a whole.
·        Awareness and humility – produces a high state of self-awareness and humble self-perception.
The Majesty diagram: 
1.   Meta perception: Identify the Meta connections: contribution, cooperation, dialogues, challenges and routines. Meta perception emphasizes the whole as opposed to thoughts focused on the sums of parts. The model begins with Meta perception as the uniqueness of Majesty model. The concept of Soulagogic Leader reality is unique in its general and integrative perception and vision.
2.   Awareness & humility: Know your place and relevance in the community. Share your thoughts and emotions, be authentic. Awareness is the total recognition of the experience we are going through, such as identifying what we are feeling, thinking or doing at any given moment and recognizing what is happening around us concurrently. Humility is the result of Awareness. It is making the right self-assessment in relationship compared to the community and to others.
3.   Joint team: Start your actual leadership by being a part of a team. Assume that all are potential team players. The leader comprises a Joint atmosphere among those under his/her leadership, based on optimal inter-personal communication, a sense of belonging and combined responsibility. A Joint team leader leads with a holistic overview, looking at the situation as a whole, beyond each minute detail, but, sensing each detail as a separate entity, through containment and patience.
4.   Empathy & inclusion: Engage your people as volunteers. Lead them through empathy & inclusion. Empathy begins with the leader's active listening to the people's inner world, executed through and deep focus and intent towards the needs of the people. In order to properly be attentive, the leader can address the people while ridding his/her own viewpoints by including the other.
5.   Self-believed intuition: Listen to your intuition, believe to it and use it for decisions making. Intuition is characterized by deep certainty and flexible thinking. This type of thinking is far more dynamic, and relies mostly on the leader. It is much more subjective than algorithmic thinking, which is relatively objective and logical. Self-believed trusted intuition comes from that same undefined section of the human mind, that enables it to act creatively and innovatively, and does not necessarily logical.
6.   Trusted compassionate vision: Identify the community most crucial needs: formal, professional, personal, business values. Build a trusted compassionate vision by connecting all the relevant factors. A Soulagogic leader will listen more intently to the woes of those around him/her, and will exhibit concern and compassion throughout his/her leadership. The Soulagogic leader according to Majesty model is more supportive of a socialistic, egalitarian approach. Regarding security, he/she places more importance on the value of peace and prefer to avoid confrontation.
7.   Yearning to details: Proceed to lead the change from inside (Hands-on) as role model and pacesetter. The main characteristic of the stage of synthesis and directing throughout long periods of time is paying attention to minutiae, or yearning to details, which is the seventh component of the Majesty model. The combination of perseverance and paying attention to detail is unique for Soulagogic leaders: the ability to leader over time, despite difficulty, while dealing practically with detail.

According to Nir Golan, Soulagogic Leader has four basic principles:

1. The independent person: the perception of oneself as an independent entity. A person sees him/herself as someone who is self-directed; choosing what to do, how much and how to do it. The role of the Soulagogic leader is not to give ready answers to predetermined questions, but to help the person find out for him/herself what the important questions are and how to answer them. Through these questions, the dependence – independence conflict will decrease and there will be fewer objections to leading. The Soulagogic leader must strive to know the person personally instead of just knowing about him through past records and test data. The person has dignity and is a valued individual in the existential synchronous leader's eyes because of his freedom and his capability to make himself an individual.

2. Adapting leading to that person's needs: the person is ready to be led when he/she needs that specific leading process, and it is incorporated into daily tasks and social functioning. He/she sees that the leading process serves his/her personal development. The Soulagogic leader’s role is to help people define their essence and needs by giving them freedom so these people can start to recognize their potentialities.
Since every person has his/her own characteristics and needs, therefore, the most effective way of leading is to adapt leading to the needs and characteristics of that individual person with reference to their emotional and mental components, and not only to cognitive and behavioral aspects. The Soulagogic leader needs to provide an environment where the people can explore and discover the personal meaning of events.

3. Renovating leading: In the digital age where there is widespread availability of network information, leading should give news and added value to the person.
People approach leading in possession of their life experiences. For leading to be more significant, the person needs to connect the current leading knowledge with his/her prior knowledge. As such, Soulagogic leader has to find out the prior knowledge of the person and his/her previous experiences in order to connect it to the leading experience and not leads him/her to do things they already know. The important things in life need to be decided by the person and must also be discovered by this individual through experiences. To just give the person information is not letting the person to be led.

4. Immediate and practical leading: The main motive for human leading is for problem solving. The person has a need for the immediate application to the person behavior, so leading has to be more focused in giving solutions to the particular problem. Leading which cannot be implemented immediately is perceived as a waste of time. People must be free to decide what is good and relevant for themselves in their life.

The Soulagogic Leader aims for the advancement of mankind and independent thinking. The Soulagogic leader reveals himself as an inquiring, questioning, and valuing person who conveys spontaneity, curiosity, warmth, and empathy; who listens and attends to others; who conveys acceptance and respect; who understands affective as well as cognitive meanings and intents; who confronts in a genuine and caring way. Soulagogic Leader will provide one with the opportunity to accept change in an ever changing world. 


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